CSR DESIGN CSR Design Green Investment Advisory, Co., Ltd.


CSR Design Green Investment Advisory, Co., Ltd.

January 15th 2015

Our company seeks to materialize sustainable built environment and area development that are sound in terms of Environment, Society, and Governance (ESG) by utilizing finance/investment and public policy/system as driving forces. We aim to contribute to build a sustainable society through our daily business operation.

01.Implementing Best Practices

We go beyond mere compliance with ESG related laws, and actively incorporate domestic and international best practices into our business operation.

02.Engaging with Employees

We respect diversity of our employees and their work styles, and educate our staff to keep updating their ESG knowledge and understanding.

03.Collaborating with Customers

We help our customers integrate ESG actions into their businesses by proposing relevant strategies and supporting their implementation.

04.Engaging with Investors and Financial Institutions

We aim to promote Responsible Investment as a member of the financial and investment sector.

05.Acting with the Governments

We support national and local governments by making policy proposals and designing and promoting policy programs to realize sustainable society.

06.Disclosure and Publication

We actively disclose and publish ESG information in order to act as a catalyst to activate discussion among various stakeholders.